Super Speedy Snake rescue vehicle
SSS Rescue, Inc.

Super Speedy Snake Rescue

703-924-8747  or
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SSS Rescue is a  non-profit, 501(c)(3)  organization that  accepts donated non-venomous reptiles, amphibians , fish (both freshwater and saltwater), and non-native birds, primarily from the exotic pet trade.    We also accept food, enclosures, accessories, and other items associated with the keeping and caring for of these animals.  

Email       Phone 703-924-8747 or  703-402-1576



wally 3


alligator and deer

Never bother, feed, or get  close to an alligator in the wild.  Never purchase a baby alligator.  There is no such thing as a miniature alligator.  All alligators and crocodilians are illegal to keep as pets in most states regardless of whether or not you purchased it legally.

"Wally Gator"
American Alligator
Alligator mississippiensis

wally gator adoption cert
View the official SSS Rescue Adoption Certificate

Our  "Wally Gator",  an  American Alligator, Alligator mississippiensis,   was born in an alligator farm in Louisiana early in 2012 where he was legally sold to an exotic reptile retailer.   He was rescued from a family in Virginia who legally purchased what they were told was a "Miniature Alligator" while attending an exotic reptile fair in another state.  Shortly after returning to Virginia, the family learned that the possession of an Alligator, miniature or not,  is illegal in Virginia and that there really isn't such a such a thing as a "Miniature Alligator".   They immediately contacted SSS Rescue and anonymously donated the animal to us.  Wally will be donated to one of the many alligator sanctuaries in the southern states once he becomes too large to use in our public education programs.  Remember that alligators should never be purchased or kept by the public and are illegal to keep in most states.  They make terrible pets and can be very dangerous when they get larger.  The only way you should have a pet Alligator is to virtually adopted one and leave the care to professionals who have the specialized supplies and experience to take care of it safely and prevent its accidental escape.

WALLY CAM - Feeding Time:  9:30 - 10:00pm EST

Alligators make very bad pets.  No one should keep an alligator as a pet except for sanctuaries, zoos and specially designed farms.   Alligators grow very large,  up to 14 feet and 1,000 lbs,  and they have a ravenous appetite.  They become large very quickly and are considered quite dangerous and deaths have been reported from Alligator bites and attacks.    Much more common in the confines of an enclosure is the loss of fingers, breaks, and serious lacerations caused by the strong teeth and massive bite force generated by the powerful jaws of these animals.     Even at under a foot long,  they can bite sufficiently to lacerate fingers and draw blood.   They can be expected to grow about a foot a year until they reach 4 years old and 4 feet long.   Do not purchase these animals as pets.   It is illegal to possess Alligators without proper permits in many states and will also require specialized enclosures and liability insurance.   Captive bred animals are best left to professional reptile keepers and never,  never bother or take a baby Alligator out of the wild.   In addition to being illegal everywhere it is also very dangerous as the mother alligator is normally watching nearby and she will defend her babies.  

The American Alligator  is born and bred in captivity for its meat and for the skin that is made into expensive leather products.    Unfortunately,  it is also easy to purchase a baby alligator over the internet or at infamous reptile shows where it is legal to sell these animals.   However,   the vast majority of these baby alligators will end up dead sooner or later when it is no longer a cute little foot long baby.    The American Alligator is no longer endangered in the wild,  but is listed as "Similarity of Appearance (Threatened) to a protected species due to their similar appearance to threated crocodilians species.  

SSS Rescue provides virtual pet adoptions over the internet!  A monthly or annual donation provides the necessary food and resources to care for your pet.   You can view your pet over the internet any time you like using live streaming video feeds from our enclosure facility.  The virtualized adoption donation is fully deductible to the maximum extent allowed under 501 (c)(3), public charity status 170 (b) (1) (A) (vi).  The virtualized pet adoption ensures the rescued animals are properly taken care of while you get to enjoy watching your pet,  anytime.    Feeding schedules will be posted so you can watch your animal eat.    And,  unlike actual pets, you can adopt as many different kinds of animals as you like and be sure they are able to enjoy their captive life as much as possible.     Thank you for supporting SSS Rescue and virtualized pet adoptions.



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Last modified:06/12/2012  The "" logo and pyramid are registered trademarks of, Inc. #3,863,450.
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If your interested in donating an animal to SSS Rescue,  please contact us at or call our office 703-924-8747. Be sure to include the type of animal, relative size, and any accessories that will be going with it.  Also, please indicate if you will drop off the animal or need us to come pick it up (Virginia, DC, and Maryland *some restrictions apply)