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 Task Orders

  Team EyeIT



  • Prime Contract:  N00178-14-D-7284   

Quality Assurance Program:, Inc. employs a corporate quality structure that is applied to all program and task activities.  Team EyeIT employs a very specific approach to Quality Control and Quality Assurance (QA) under the principals and practices of Information Technology Service Management (ITSM), ITIL, ISO, and CMMI, including quantifiable, repeatable processes and metrics to ensure consistent, high-quality service delivery, implementation, and support.  Our Quality Control Plan (QCP) will align with the Task Order PWS, performance assessment plan, and TO QA surveillance plans.  At the Task Order level, the, Inc. team’s performance will be assessed also in relation to the QASP, utilizing metrics to include but not limited to, meeting the customer’s technical needs, meeting project milestones and schedules, staffing ability, and our value as a contractor to provide quality services.   To ensure the, Inc. team receives a successful performance assessment in terms of service,, Inc. will assign a project control analyst, (usually served by our contracts manager), to act as our QA evaluator and to work with the Program Manager to develop and document the performance metrics at the beginning of each awarded Task Order contract. Metrics development will align with the customer’s QASP and what requirements they specify in terms of performance objectives and it is our job to determine how to best satisfy those objectives using defined and documented metrics. Our approach includes implementing and maintaining the QCP which will ensure our ability to provide services at or above the levels required in the TO PWS.

Points of Contact:

EyeIT's Seaport-e Program Manager:
Mr. Jim Ward
Phone: 703-921-5468 x4
fax: 703-313-4641